Mindful Journaling [ How to Guide]

Mindful Journaling 'How to' Guide Keeping a journal can be one of the most powerful tools as it helps us chart our progress. With meditation, it can be really hard to know if it’s making a difference, or if we’re becoming more skilled at it as it’s such a subjective experience, so I encourage all [...]

Mindful Journaling [ How to Guide]2020-06-16T11:49:50+00:00

Self Care in Lockdown

Self-Care in Lockdown     The world is going through some extraordinary circumstance at the moment, and I’m a great believer in the power of perspective but we can’t deny that for millions of people this is a testing time which for some will also be filled with sadness and loss. It got me thinking [...]

Self Care in Lockdown2020-05-16T10:04:45+00:00
