Meditation shouldn’t feel like a chore…

We’ve all been there, struggling to focus in the moment and finding our mind wandering off into what we’re having for dinner, or questioning the meaning of our existence but over the years I’ve found a few tools and techniques I use to help my meditation practice be more of a pleasure and less of a chore.

I want to start by acknowledging that you don’t actually need any of this stuff in order to meditate. All you need is your mind, and the intention to meditate… these are just things I’ve found that help me to really connect with my practice, and make it more enjoyable.

Being comfortable

I get a sore back… a lot… especially when I try to sit with my back straight. So for me I need to be comfortable when I meditate, so I invested in a meditation cushion which you can get from Amazon, and other retailers for around £30.

I find they help support my back and take the pressure off my hips. I usually always have a blanket to hand as well, as I find it get cold quickly in the stillness of meditation.


I have a really sensitive sense of smell, so smells are a big deal for me. I’m an independent consultant for Neal’s Yard Organic Remedies, because I used so many of them as a customer and their brand ethics are something I really respect. I adore their meditation blend of essential oils, and often diffuse them when meditating. I’ve popped the link to the one I use below.

(please note, this is a link to my online webshop where I make a small amount of profit on each sale)

Setting the scene

I enjoy the ritual I have created when I meditate, and for me that is part of the process of telling my brain what we are about to do. I always let my husband know I’m going to meditate so he knows not to disturb me (unless the house is burning down) I like to keep a journal of my reflections, so before my meditation I’ll jot down my intention for my practice then afterwards spend some time noting down what the experience has been like for me, any recurring thoughts or things I’ve noticed. This has been a great way of seeing my practice grown and my meditation deepen.


As I mentioned, none of these are necessary but I wanted to share what has helped me really see my meditation practice as an honor not a chore. I really value my meditation time, and learning that I take from it but I know from my clients that it can feel like another thing they have to squeeze into their already busy day, and often it drops off the list altogether … so try re-framing it, from a burden to a pleasure.

From my heart to yours…

Karen x